In Kind Donations / Wishlist
Cleaning Supplies Including: Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap, Bleach, Windex, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Hand Soap
Animal Products Including: Un-opened dog/cat kibble, canned dog/cat food, clean dog/cat toys, fleece blankets, towels
We can NOT accept the following items: cat trees / scratching posts, litter boxes, opened food, sheets, comforters, any animal bedding that can not easily fit into a residential washing machine.
Ways To Donate
Felines & Canines operates solely off the generosity of animal-loving individuals like you – we receive no Federal funding of any kind. As a smaller organization with limited funding, we consistently maximize every dollar we receive to ensure your money is helping as many animals as possible. Additionally, we believe firmly in the need for continued progress and growth, and commit to you that your dollars will be put into action. We are a 100% debt-free organization; therefore, your money goes directly to the animals – never to an outstanding deficit.
Below are just a few of the many ways you can support the animals of Felines & Canines:
1. You can safely make a one-time, monthly or annual Online Donation through our secure processor Network For Good: Click Here To Donate
2. Checks can be made payable to Felines & Canines and mailed to:
Felines & Canines
P.O. Box 60616
Chicago, IL – 60660
3. Make a donation of Stock:
Brokerage Firm: Morgan Stanley
Contact: William Burfisher 312-917-7540
Name On Account: Felines Inc. (DBA “Felines & Canines”)
Account #: 628-043145-495
DTC #: 0015
EIN #: 36-2922975
*Please be sure to notify if you donate stock or need assistance.
4. Take advantage of your Company Matching program! It is the very best way to maximize your donation! Simply ask your HR Department for the appropriate paperwork to fill out, email the forms to, and we’ll complete all necessary info on our end.
5. Leave a Legacy by designating a Bequest to the animals of Felines & Canines. Please email with any questions. If you wish to make a provision in your will the following general language is suggested:
“I give, devise and bequeath ___% of my estate (or specific assets) for the benefit of Felines Inc. (DBA Felines & Canines) – 6379 N Paulina St. Chicago, IL 60660 – FEIN: 36-2922975, to be used for the operations of Felines & Canines.”